Our Events

DBESP seeks to cultivate and nurture the next generation of Black students through advocacy, community building, and enrichment.

 HBCU Tour Presentations

 Conference Presentations

NASP 2022

NASP 2023

NASP 2024


A discussion on career opportunities in psychology and education. Panelists shared their experiences about transitioning from an HBCU to a PWI, research opportunities, and career choices.


"My HBCU taught me how to be unapologetically Black."

"It prepared me to stand out and live in my truth." 

An interactive dialogue on how to craft a personal statement and capture the attention of faculty and admission committees. 


"Be authentic!"

Write, revise, and edit. Do it as many times as you see fit."

A conversation on how to enhance your resume/CV to make internship and graduate school applications stand out. 


"Don't underestimate your accomplishments!"

"There's almost always a transferrable skill."

Virtual office hours for undergraduate students to receive support on application materials for graduate schools. D.B.E.S.P worked one-on-one with students to support them on application materials, such as personal statements and resumes.


"Current students supporting future students!"

Panel Presentations

Memorable Moments

“I am a current graduate student and have gone through this process, but your answers were so helpful and real. And there were great tips in the resume/CV section that will help me out too so I appreciated it! I'd love to continue this partnership.” 

“You made everything so easy and accessible for our undergraduate student members. Grad applications can be a headache but you explained everything in a way that I think our members really understood.” 

“The care and finesse with which questions and offerings were fielded and answered.” 

“I'm a practitioner, but I couldn't stop thinking throughout the presentation how much I wish I had these resources when I was thinking of applying to grad school. The suggestions and information were GREAT, and the ladies presented perspectives that I never thought to consider when looking at grad programs.”

“I loved how engaging they were by asking participants questions”

“Great Information and authentic engagement.” 

“Great session. Wonderful practice. Thought provoking.” 

“That the founders are all Black and Female.” 

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