Our Initiatives

HBCU National Exposure Tour

An exposure initiative that utilizes the National Association of School Psychologists' (NASP) Exposure Project to conduct targeted recruitment presentations at HBCUs across the nation.

Customized Program & Faculty Consulting

The objective is to provide tailored, strategic approaches grounded in literature and informed by lived experiences to guide school psychology programs and faculty in addressing the recruitment and retention of Black students.

Reflect. Apply. Transform. Explore. (R.A.T.E.) "It" Graduate School Preparation Series

A person-centered preparation series that seeks to demystify the graduate school application process and equip Black undergraduate students with the knowledge and tools for choosing the path that best nurtures their personal and professional aspirations.

Mentorship & Community Building

Our organization strives to share our experiences related to graduate school preparation and retention, with an emphasis on our experiences as Black school psychology students. Additionally, we aim to build a community network among interested HBCU students with current Black school psychology graduate students, faculty, alumni, and practitioners.

 Multicultural Mentoring & Supervision Workshops

A structured and interactive experience that seeks to inform stakeholders of the recruitment and retention barriers regarding Black students. The workshop centers how to identify microaggressions and maximize multicultural interactions, support, and supervision of Black graduate students.

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